A data set similar to fd_inventory but includes the column fate which has a value of either "kill" or "live" with "kill" indicating the tree was stem girdled.



A data.frame or tibble. Call fd_metadata for field metadata.#'




#> # A tibble: 2,625 x 11 #> subplot_id replicate plot subplot tag species dbh_cm health_status #> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl> <chr> #> 1 A01W A 1 W 2903 POGR 46.3 L #> 2 A01W A 1 W 2904 POGR 45.8 L #> 3 A01W A 1 W 2890 ACRU 43.8 L #> 4 A01W A 1 W 2978 POGR 42.7 L #> 5 A01W A 1 W 2886 FAGR 40.6 L #> 6 A01W A 1 W 2950 POGR 40.6 L #> 7 A01W A 1 W 2910 POGR 40 L #> 8 A01W A 1 W 2943 POGR 39.8 L #> 9 A01W A 1 W 2878 POGR 39 L #> 10 A01W A 1 W 2967 POGR 38.6 L #> # ... with 2,615 more rows, and 3 more variables: canopy_status <chr>, #> # fate <chr>, notes <chr>