
Start by taking a look at the netcdf file that was used in Dietze and Matthes 2014

nc_path <- system.file('extdata/', package = 'PestED') 
nc      <- nc_open(nc_path)

Print the names of the variables stored in the NetCDF files.

#>  [1] "YEAR"      "GAP"       "DOY"       "HRMIN"     "UST"       "TA"       
#>  [7] "WD"        "WS"        "NEE"       "FC"        "SFC"       "H"        
#> [13] "SH"        "LE"        "SLE"       "FG"        "TS1"       "TSdepth1" 
#> [19] "TS2"       "TSdepth2"  "PREC"      "RH"        "PRESS"     "CO2"      
#> [25] "VPD"       "SWC1"      "SWC2"      "Rn"        "PAR"       "Rg"       
#> [31] "Rgdif"     "PARout"    "RgOut"     "Rgl"       "RglOut"    "H2O"      
#> [37] "RE"        "GPP"       "CO2top"    "CO2height" "APAR"      "PARdif"   
#> [43] "APARpct"   "ZL"

It looks like there are quite a few of them but how many are needed? The format_inputs function was designed to take this netcdf and format it into the proper format to work with iterate.SEM.

# Format the inputs into the SEM required format using a support function from the Pest ED function. 
met_inputs <- format_inputs(nc_path)
#> [1] "time"   "PAR"    "temp"   "VPD"    "precip"

A table of the the the input names used by iterate.SEM and information from the netcdf file.

input description units
time DOY Day_of_Year NA
PAR PAR Incoming Photosynthetically Active Radiation umol/m2/s
temp TA Air_Temperature degrees C
VPD VPD Vapor Pressure Deficit kPa
precip PREC Precipitation mm


Parameter descriptions and default values for SEM.

SI Parameter Table: for SEM from Dietze and Matthes 2014